Cooper River Missions
During COVID, the mission doesn't stop for us at Cooper River Baptist Church. We're still working hard to try to make an impact for the Kingdom, both Locally and Globally.
Through the goodness of God, we were able to provide funds to Liberia, Africa, through Light Evangelism Ministry. The money was used to purchase rice to distribute to the local villages due to the food shortage caused by Covid-19. The food that was distributed has created many opportunities for the gospel to be proclaimed.
We also contribute to the SBC cooperative program, which funds both national and foreign missions.

Local Missions
The heart-beat of Cooper River to make the love of Christ known through both words and actions. Here are a few ways we are involved in this mission right here in our own backyard.
Bread of Life Food Bank @ Holmes Ave Baptist Church.
Warming Shelter @ Aldersgate UMC
North Charleston High School
Pastor Brett is on the board of directors for the NCHS booster club
We have partnered with other local gospel-centered churches in purchasing much needed equipment and supplies for NCHS teachers, as well as being a yearly sponsor for the athletic club.
One thing we recognized is churches tend to have the nicest facilities yet often, they sit empty 5-6 days a week. We prayed to change that and the Lord has answered our prayers.
We are host to the following community groups:
Reading Partners meets 2-3 days a week @ Cooper River
This organization helps tutor children in title one schools who are six months behind or more in their reading skills. They are always looking for volunteers!
Wings for Kids meets every Friday after school.
This program works with title one schools and helps to teach children social and emotional skills for school and everyday life.
Koinonia Homeschool Co-op meets every Friday.
Get Involved
To get involved or support our missions financially, contact us below.